Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Blog # 8

1.  Choose the software you would like to use in creating your next piece. Write about that choice explaining briefly why you decided to go with that application.  "Play around" with the software, and develop some initial foundation for your project that you may build upon in the week before deadline (April 16).

The software I am interested in using will probably be flash.  I am interested in creating some kind of interactive poetry.  I was inspired by the e-lit review I did on “Like Stars in a Clear Night Sky” and am interested to see what I will produce when mimicking that idea. 

2.  Write an early outline of the narrative/text/poem you will be creating.  Describe the intended content for your piece, along with the style and design features you would like to invoke.

I would like to use at least four to seven of my own poetry for my project two assignment.  This way, for each different poem, I can implement different ideas and develop a creative e-lit project.  My main goal is to make the visual aspect coincide with the lexia to make a well-rounded final product. 

3.  Prepare a question (or a few) to pose to Dr. Flores during our twitter session. 
  Some questions for Dr. Flores: 
  • Which software does he prefer use when creating digital literacy? Why? 
  • Which software does he not suggest for people starting out with e-lit?

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